Handbag, backpack or shoulder bag, the Olivia is the ideal bag for fashionistas. Here is the bag you will not be able to do without!
In addition to its design and chic side, you benefit from a bag designed to follow you on a daily basis Thanks to its practical compartments and its detachable straps. This bag is distinguished by its round and refined shape. You can use it as a backpack to have your hands free and if you have a more chic outing, you store the detachable straps in the bag and voila!
29.5cm (height) x 28cm (width) x 7.5cm (depth)
2 adjustable and detachable straps
1 lined pocket to store an iPad Mini
2 stretch pockets
1 Key holder: practical for quickly finding your keychain
1 Resealable pouch with zipper
1 Secret pocket to store your mobile phone